Dealing with insurance companies can be very frustrating, especially if you have a claim that they refuse to pay, or they're acting in bad faith or breaching their contract with you in some way. By working with the Law Office of Jeffrey G. Pierce you can get legal representation and the strong negotiation skills required to settle your insurance concerns.
Insurance companies often fight back on paying out claims, citing valid and invalid reasons that you aren't covered or alleging that there are extenuating circumstances. If your claim is being denied and the insurance company won't work with you, we can help.
Additionally, insurance companies can act in bad faith and breach contracts. That can stop you from receiving fair compensation for damages, or keep you from getting a home repaired or a vehicle replaced.
This can be frustrating and stressful, and you might not be sure who to turn to. When you reach out to an attorney, though, you get the protection and security you need to bring your case to the insurance company for settlement, or even into court if necessary.
If you need an insurance attorney throughout Mississippi or in specific areas of Alabama, contact the Law Office of Jeffrey G. Pierce for support and representation today.
(228) 875-3175
Law Office of Jeffrey G. Pierce, PLLC